

CZK 888 million to be invested in water infrastructure in 2020

In 2020, SmVaK Ostrava plans an investment of CZK 683 million in infrastructure. This amount is unparalleled in the company’s history. Another 205 million is to be spent on repairs and maintenance projects.


Ostrava, 21 November 2019 – Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava has committed to the highest investment in the company’s history to be spent on sustaining, refurbishment and development projects at drinking water treatment plants, water lines, sewage and waste water treatment plants. An amount of almost CZK 280 million is to be invested in sewage systems and waste water treatment plants, more than CZK 258 million will be spent on water line networks and almost CZK 130 million on the framework production and distribution system for drinking water supplies – the Ostrava Regional Water Network.


“Our capex plan expects more financial funds to be spent on water infrastructure in sustaining and development projects. In the past ten years, we have invested CZK 5.35 billion and spent further considerable amounts on repairs and maintenance. For example, we are scheduling CZK 205 million for maintenance in 2020; this year, our maintenance budget is expected to be at the level of CZK 171 million. Overall, we will spend on infrastructure CZK 888 million in 2020. In our long-term planning, we count on a continuous growth of capital expenditure up to CZK 850 million in 2025,” says Mr. Anatol Pšenička, CEO of SmVaK Ostrava.

Among the most important capex projects in the framework drinking water production and distribution system – the Ostrava Regional Water Network – there are the completion of the equipment refurbishment project at the largest Beskydy water treatment plant in Nová Ves near Frýdlant nad Ostravicí and the continuation of the refurbishment project at the Chlebovice – Staříč – Bělá supply line. The water treatment plant refurbishment will cost CZK 125 million in total, of which more than 35 million will be spent in 2020 on final adjustments. As concerns the supply line, the total costs equal 145 million, of which 39 million will be spent in 2020.
An amount exceeding CZK 11.5 million is assigned to the rehabilitation of a historical water reservoir in Mniší in Kopřivnice. A refurbishment project at the Odry water treatment plant is to be launched with the overall cost exceeding CZK 21 million over two years.

“We will provide major investment in water networks both in larger centres of individual micro-regions as well as in smaller communities in the region. We will finalize the refurbishment of the water line in Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí worth more than CZK 15 million; we will replace the water mains in Chlebovice and Lysůvky, municipal quarters of Frýdek-Místek, worth more than 14 million. Main water lines will also be replaced in Bohumín – Záblatí and Karviná – Fryštát where the construction projects will cost CZK 12 and 14 million respectively. As soon as weather permits, we will launch a major capital expenditure project at the Kružberk water line worth more than CZK 12 million,” lists some of the projects Martin Veselý, Chief Engineering Officer of SmVaK Ostrava.

Water mains will also be refurbished and replaced in Nový Jičín, Opava, Vítkov, Příbor, Ženklava, Havířov, Dětmarovice, Vratimov, Frýdek-Místek, Vřesina and many other towns and communities.
Many water reservoirs will be subject to remediation.

In the field of sewage networks and water treatment plants, the projects of sewage outlet liquidation in Petřvald and Doubrava will continue requiring significant investment. Both projects started in 2019 and will cost more than CZK 70 million combined. In 2020, some CZK 41 million will be used on their completion.

A 90-million-worth capex project continues to provide a comprehensive sewage system and to build a waste water treatment plant in Dobroslavice above the Hlučín Lake. In 2020, an amount exceeding CZK 27 million will be spent to complete the project.
Major capital funds will also be allocated to sewage networks. An amount of CZK 22 million will be spent to increase the capacity of the sewage conduit in Hukvaldská street in Frýdlant nad Ostravicí. More than CZK 17 million is prepared for the refurbishment of the sewage collecting conduit in Karviná – Fryštát; a sewage conduit will be refurbished in Hornická street in Těrlicko worth more than CZK 10 million. More projects, such as the intensification of the waste water treatment plant process in Bílovec or the construction of a secondary settling tank in the Kopřivnice waste water treatment plant, shall be launched too.



Mgr. Marek Síbrt, Spokesperson

Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s.

28. října 1235/169, Mariánské Hory, 709 00 Ostrava.

Phone 725 500 509
