

An important investment project has started in the WWTP in Nový Jičín

Construction of a rainwater basin and reconstruction of rough treatment will cost eighteen million Czech crowns. It will be completed by the end of the year.

Ostrava 27. 6. 2017 – In mid June, an important investment project started, thanks to which the wastewater treatment plant in Nový Jičín will be able to catch and cumulate wastewater also during heavy rains. Its subsequent treatment will eliminate the discharge of pollution during rains to the low-flow Jičínka stream. It is another contribution of SmVaK Ostrava to environmental improvement in the region.

“Our main goal is to make sure that the rainwater basin can hold heavily polluted wastewater at the beginning of heavy rains and precipitation. We will be able to subsequently treat the wastewater and prevent its discharge into the local stream, which has only a minimum flow in summer,” says the sewer system director, SmVaK Ostrava, Jan Tlolka.

Beside construction of the rainwater basin, the rough pre-treatment structure will be modified. If needed, water will be pumped to the rainwater basin by means of screw pumps, which will be equipped also with an emergency power source in case of power outage. Regulation valves and electrical drives will be used to fill and empty the rainwater basin.  When the rain is over the wastewater will be pumped back to the standard process equipment and treated.

“We put big importance on the area of wastewater treatment, we take it as our contribution to the environmental improvement in the region. The investment in Nový Jičín is significant, but definitely not the only one. For example we are currently repairing aero-tanks in the wastewater treatment plant in Frýdek-Místek to make the treatment process even more efficient. We started to build a postdenitrification tank in the wastewater treatment plant in Karviná; thus we will be better able to remove nitrogen from wastewater,” says the managing director of SmVaK Ostrava Anatol Pšenička.



Screen – process equipment used to remove floating impurities from wastewater. The trapped impurities are called screenings.

Mechanical part of the wastewater treatment plant – first part of the plant at the inflow of wastewater from the sewer system. Gravel trap, screen and sand trap, sedimentation tank where coarse floating impurities and undissolved substances are removed

Biological part of the wastewater treatment plant – follows after the mechanical part. Bacteria are used to remove pollution, it includes also the aero-tank and settling tank.

Agitator – mixes the activation mixture (wastewater, activated sludge) in order for the organic impurities in mechanically pre-treated wastewater to be efficiently broken down.

Aeration elements – are used to mix and aerate wastewater in aero-tanks in the biological part of the wastewater treatment plant.

Aero-tank – heart of the wastewater treatment plant; aerobic bacteria with air, which is constantly forced into the tank, with its metabolism remove 99% of organic water pollution.

Settling tank – treated water is separated from the activated sludge that sediments. Treated water runs back to nature.