
What is not needed helps those who are in need

Just before the Christmas, 370 kg of used clothes were collected. Income from sale of used clothes in second hand shops will help, for instance, to Ondrášek, the mobile palliative care centre, or to Žebřík, the day care centre.

Ostrava – 20 December 2016. During five working days, from 12 until 16 December, SmVaK’s employees brought to SmVaK plants and centres in our region the unused clothes and other small things that filled up a truck. What is not needed by some, might be useful for the others and might help those who need it. The clothes and things from the collection will be sold now by Moment ČR, the charity organisation, that will use the income from sale to Ondrášek, the mobile palliative care centre, Žebřík, the day care centre, and for children in Africa (within the project A Bike for Africa).

 “I have been really surprised how many SmVaK employees were involved in the collection and how many things have been collected – the things that we do not use anymore but still might be useful for the others. Moment ČR says this project was among the biggest collection projects it organised. Solidarity of our employees before the Christmas impressed me and I would like to thank them. I appreciate that water experts have their heart in the right place and care for other people. And lives of the others are not often so easy and maybe, they are not so lucky as we are and will not spend the Christmas time with their families at home. And small improvements may, step by step, help those who need it to live better lives”, says Anatol Pšenička, Managing Director of SmVaK.

Moment ČR runs eight points of sales: seven in Ostrava and one in Karviná. Income, after deduction of expenses, is completely donated to a cooperating non-profit organisation. The money is finally invested into a social or environmental project that is carefully chosen.
“We pay attention to volunteering and involvement of local communities. More than 120 volunteers, typically the senior citizens and young women with children, help us in addition to sixty full-time employees. We are trying to make the community involved: people donate the clothes and other things they do not need anymore but still have in their closets. And thus, we raise public awareness to help those who need it", says Simona Honsová, Director of Moment ČR, o.p.s.
For more details about the organisation read